Thursday, November 21, 2013

New beginning

Fortunately I have a space in the backyard which pretty much has all the hard work done. Garden beds ready to plant my summer crop. We have had a pretty cold and wet spring but now I think it's starting to dry up and we are receiving more and more sunny days.

In the past I've bought a whole bunch of seedlings for summer without giving it much thought. That summer you end up with an overgrown jungle with veggies growing everywhere and you forget what you planted in the first place. I'm sure some of you are nodding your heads! So this year I held back and just thought about what I actually eat and buy and what I have space for. The seedling list consisted of green beans, Lebanese cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, basil and parsley. I also threw in watermelon just for an experiment!

Speaking of experiments, I decided to mix in mushroom compost instead of the usual manure and I've given my veggies more room, hoping it will keep them happy and in return yield a bigger harvest. No harm in trying, we'll see what happens!

I also transplanted some of my herbs from my previous property that had given me success but I think they'll just stay in pots for now. All I need now is a bit more sunshine!